Growing Words | cap.2#illustration #growingwords #illustrati “Growing Words cap.2″, ink on paper illustration for free magazine ILLUSTRATI by LOGOS ...Growing words / Illustration
SEVENTY window: “NEW LYMPHA”#window #illustration #papercraft Window-dressing for SEVENTY boutique| August 2015 Boutique via Manzoni 46, Milano. “NEW ...Illustration / Papercraft / Window
PAPER VISIONS Elena Borghi: live painting “Under Giant Tree”#livepainting #PaperVisions #PaperVisionsTour [caption id="attachment_5365" align="aligncenter" width="717"] "Under Giant Tree" live painting[/caption] Live ...Live Painting
Growing Words | cap.1#illustration #growingwords #illustrati "Growing Words cap.1", ink on paper illustration for free magazine ILLUSTRATI by LOGOS EDIZIONI. Download the digital version ...Growing words / Illustration
SEVENTY window: “YOUTH IS A STATE OF MIND”#window Visual merchandising for SEVENTY boutique | May 2015 Boutique via Manzoni 46, Milano. “YOUTH IS A STATE OF MIND”, handsewn ...Window
PAPER VISIONS Elena Borghi, monografia LOGOS edizioni SE AGOGNI VEDER OCCHIEGGIARE "PAPER VISIONS" DAL TUO SCAFFALE LIBRERIA, ABBILO. “Come immersa nel latte di mula”, book cover PAPER ...Design / Illustration / Papercraft / Set Design / Window
SEVENTY window: “FISH WISH”#window #illustration #design Visual merchandising for SEVENTY boutique | April 2015 Boutique via Manzoni 46, Milano. “FISH WISH”, ...Design / Illustration / Window
SHAMELESS: Nature’s Worst Collection for Cavalli e Nastri Uomo Olivinta #illustration #design [caption id="attachment_5131" align="aligncenter" width="1024"] shameless-elena-borghi-invito[/caption] LE ILLUSTRAZIONI DI ...Design / Illustration
SEVENTY window: “SwalloWOW!”#window Visual merchandising for SEVENTY boutique | March 2015 Boutique via Manzoni 46, Milano. “SwalloWOW!”, ...Window
SICIS JEWELS window “FORTUNA OPTIMA VIDET”#window #papercraft #illustration Visual merchandising for SICIS JEWELS boutique| March 2015 Boutique via Spiga, 9 Milano. “FORTUNA OPTIMA VIDET”, handmade ...Illustration / Papercraft / Window
SEVENTY window: “Drop the mask!” #window #papercraft Visual merchandising for SEVENTY boutique | February 2015 Boutique via Manzoni 46, Milano. “Drop ...Papercraft / Window
SICIS JEWELS window “M’ama o non M’ama?” #papercraft #window Visual merchandising for SICIS JEWELS boutique| February 2015 Boutique via Spiga, 9 Milano. “M'ama o non ...Papercraft / Window